Theatre | Selected Credits
Richard II
Brave Spirits Theatre, dir. Charlene Smith
Henry V
Alice, Orleans, Ensemble
Brave Spirits Theatre, dir. Charlene Smith
Henry VI, Part 1 [January 2021]
Joan of Arc
Brave Spirits Theatre, dir. Jordan Friend
Henry VI Part 2 [January 2021]
Young Clifford
Brave Spirits Theatre, dir. Jordan Friend
Henry VI, Part 3 [February 2021]
Elizabeth Grey, Young Clifford
Brave Spirits Theatre, dir. Charlene Smith
Richard III [March 2021]
Elizabeth Grey
Brave Spirits Theatre, dir. Jordan Friend
Three Sisters
U/S Masha/Musician [Performed]
Studio Theatre, dir. Jackson Gay
The Father
Studio Theatre, dir. David Muse
The Second Shepherd's Play
U/S Gill/Ensemble
Folger Theatre/Folger Consort, dir. Mary Hall Surface
A Midsummer Night's Dream
U/S Snug/Starveling
Folger Theatre, dir. Aaron Posner
U/S Lady/Lychorida/Diana/Ensemble
Folger Theatre / Oregon Shakespeare Festival, dir. Joseph Haj
King John
4615 Theatre, dir. Jordan Friend
4615 Theatre, dir. Stevie Zimmerman
Pinky Swear Productions, dir. Ryan Maxwell
[gay] Cymbeline
Theatre Prometheus, dir. Tracey Erbacher
As You Like It
Maryland Renaissance Festival, dir. Randy Dalmas
Les Liaisons Dangerouses
Cécile/Fight Captain
Spotlighters Theatre, dir. Erin Riley
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead
U/S Ophelia/Tragedian
Folger Theatre, dir. Aaron Posner
The Merchant of Venice (in Original Pronunciation)
Baltimore Shakespeare Factory, dir. Tom Delise
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Brave Spirits, dir. Jessica Aimone
The Two Noble Kinsmen
Brave Spirits, dir. Charlene Harris
Sunny and Licorice
Zookeeper/Little Girl
Arts on the Horizon, dir. Kate Debelack
Maryland Renaissance Festival, dir. John Sadowsky
Training & Workshops
- Studio Theatre Acting Conservatory
Principles of Realism, Character & Emotion, Shakespeare I & II, Greek Tragedy, Comedy, Shaw/Ibsen/Chekhov, Voice I, Movement, Classical Voice & Movement, Musical Theatre
- Tooth & Claw Combat Arts
Instructors: Casey Kaleba, Matt Wilson Classes & Workshops: Broadsword, Single Sword, Rapier & Dagger, Martial Arts, Bond vs Bourne (theatrical firearms & close-in hand to hand)
- The British American Dramatic Academy
Shakespeare, Modern, Voice, Movement
- The George Washington University: BA
Special Skills
- Dialects
Original Shakespearean Pronunciation, American Stage Standard, British RP, Cockney, French, Italian, others as needed.
- Stage Combat
Unarmed, Knife, Single Sword, Broadsword, Rapier and Dagger, Theatrical Firearms [8mm semi-automatic, 9mm semi- & full-auto, shotgun, & pistol]
- Other
Competitive Gymnastics, Dance [Contemporary/Lyrical, Partner, Hip Hop, Street Jazz], Singer [Soprano w/ Belt, Range: G3 - C#6], Improv, Archery (Traditional Longbow), Beginning Equestrian, Software Developer, Comfortable with Technical Terminology (Computers, Engineering, Medicine), DC Driver’s license (manual/automatic)
With any part you play, there has to be a certain amount of yourself in it
There has to be, otherwise it's just not acting.
It's lying.
About Jacqueline
The Latest
Coming Soon: Blight at Pinky Swear Productions
by John Bavoso
directed by Ryan Maxwell
Coming to Anacostia Playhouse October 2018
Can a home be haunted by the actions of its owners?
Silvia and Cat Henson have just moved from a tiny apartment in Washington, DC, into their sprawling dream home in the small, affluent town of Greenville, Delaware. But the house only happens to be in their price range because it was most recently the home of a teenaged mass shooter and his single mother. Within days of moving in, they are confronted by a mayor who wants to erase their house from the map, a neighbor who’s on a mission to turn it into a memorial, and an alarmingly chipper consultant who specializes in the macabre. Is this the right time and place for Silvia and Cat to bring a new baby into the world, or will the house create an irreparable rift between them and their new community?
Jacqueline will be taking on the role of Tracy, the aforementioned Mayor of Greenville, DE. Blight runs at the Anacostia Playhouse Oct 19 - Nov 11, go to for tickets and more information!
Studio Theatre Young Actor's Ensemble Spring 2019
Jacqueline will be taking a break from teaching Studio Theatre's Young Actor's Ensemble in the fall, but she will return to teach section in Spring and Summer 2019.
The Studio Conservatory offers two sessions of their summer intensive for young people, from June 25 - July 13, and July 16 - August 3. There may be a few spots still available but they are filling quickly, so call the Studio Conservatory office if you are interested.
From Studio's Website:
Fall/Spring Ensemble: Twelve three-hour classes nurture creativity, develop vocal and physical skills, and enhance an actor's ability to perform and work together as part of the ensemble. Class includes theatre games, pantomimes, improvisations, monologues, and scene study from both contemporary and classical literature. The program culminates in a final showing of the work. Register online or call the Conservatory to request a scholarship application.
Summer Ensemble: Two intensive 3-week 30-hour-per-week (9am to 3pm) programs for teens ages 13-17. Rigorous and demanding, the all-day program offers voice, movement, ensemble, and musical theatre in the morning and classes focusing on scenes and monologues from contemporary and classical literature in the afternoon. Young actors participate in one or both 3-week sessions. Students present individual and group work for family and friends at the end of each session. Register online or call the Conservatory to request a scholarship application.

New York Born, Seattle Raised, Jacqueline has played roles from Shakespeare to today - and back again.
She is a graduate of the Studio Theatre Acting Conservatory in Washington, DC and currently is an Associate Teacher for the Conservatory's Young Actors Ensemble. Other training includes the British American Dramatic Academy, Tooth and Claw Combat Arts, and the George Washington University.
When she's not on stage, Jacqueline is a freelance software developer and graphic designer. For over 15 years, she was a competitive gymnast and she still practices - though admittedly with less of an eye to competition and more focus on skills she might use on stage.
From the Critics...
Jacqueline Chenault... gives us a truly conflicted Chrysothemis, a realist who is damned no matter what choice she makes.
DC Metro Theatre Arts (Read more)
Jacqueline Chenault is heartbreaking as Cecile, a woman who has been thrown away. Much thought went into this performance, it’s extremely layered, showing an impressive range of reaction to sexual assault.
The Bad Oracle
The most compelling performances are given when the play steps back from the fun of the big top and into the cold corporate world. Jacqueline Chenault as Sally Jericho, the shy elephant trainer who will do anything, even yell at the new CEO to take care of her “babies,” is the heartfelt center of the play.
DC Theatre Scene
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Contact Info
Use the form to contact Jacqueline, or one of the methods linked below.
When she's not acting, Jacqueline is a software developer and her portfolio can be viewed at
© 2025 Jacqueline Chenault, All Rights Reserved.